TIiS Model: Technology Integration in Schools Model

    We created a TIiS Model for you as a guide that you can follow before you intend to integrate a technology in your instruction.

  1. Of course first thing you should consider your school's policies. You need to get permission before you integrate a technology which is based on school policies. For the following steps you need to keep in mind the rules and policies to make your integration legally. Planning & Policies
  2. Then you need money to find out required software & hardware. We classified it under the "Finance" title. Check out the available budget that your school administrators can allocate for this integration. Finance
  3. OK! You have money, now it is time to get an equipment!Equipment
  4. Wow, you are getting close to the end. But you need people for maintenance & support! Maintenance & Support
  5. Aha! Good news, you are ready to use Roblyer's TIP Model which means you come to the end! TIP Model

Each step is explained in detail in the menu bars which is named with the steps. You can click on the steps from the menu bar and find out what you need.